Wedding Ready Treatments

This one goes out to all of our engaged ladies and gents out there.

Wedding season is such an exciting time, but with it can come a lot of prep-work and planning (so much planning). Your wedding timeline will become your new calendar leading up to the big day, defining your days as "Venue Due Date!" and "Dress Shopping Day!"

Along with these milestone to do’s, we suggest adding your skin and aesthetic plan to this timeline. 

Our hope is to help you navigate this process and give you the options best suited for you. We can’t stress enough that this will look different for everyone!

The first, and perhaps most crucial, step in prepping skin pre-wedding is managing your expectations. To aid in this, we suggest beginning with a cosmetic consult with one of our providers to give you a comprehensive assessment to help meet your goals. We will make creating an effective and realistic skin-care plan a whole lot easier tailored to fit your timeline and budget. 

Our ultimate goal is to help you feel beautiful and confident in your skin on your wedding day.

We offer many different treatments and products at Complexion, so we have broken down some examples of timelines into three categories to give you a better idea as you being this process. 

Skin Health:

One of the most important topics we will talk about at your consult is skin health. We suggest starting this process as early as you can, but ideally 6 months out from your wedding. The first step is finding the right skincare routine for you that will allow you to be consistent and help with any underlying issues (acne, irritation, redness, depleted skin). This may include prescription oral or topical options. Once you are all set with your day-to-day routine, we can discuss treatment options to further your skin health.

For example:

Microneedling with PRF

  • When: Start 3-5 months out. Start with a series of 3 every 4-6 weeks.

  • Why: This treatment is great for improving fine lines and wrinkles, skin texture, scarring. Read more on the benefits here.

IPL Laser Treatments

  • When: Start at least 6 months out (this treatment is ideal in the fall and winter months)
  • Why: This laser treatments helps to address pigment caused from sun damage.

Chemical Peel

  • When: Start 3-6 weeks out depending on strength of peel needed. 

  • Why: Chemical peels can be great for giving your skin a fresh start --tackling acne, melasma, pore size, and texture. Read more about our Complexion Chemical Peels here.


  • When: Our aesthetician, Courtney, suggests getting a test Hydrafacial a month before, then the week of your wedding (2-3 days out).
  • Why: The Hydrafacial is great for all skin types and deep cleans the pores. She loves to pair this with laser genesis for an even more evident glow. 

Aqua Gold

  • When: 10 days out from your big day.

  • Why: This is a fantastic treatment to have right before the wedding to give you a flawless complexion. It helps to tighten and brighten the skin and is known at the red carpet facial.


Another hot topic we can address in your assessment is overall aesthetic and profile balancing. We’re talking the fun stuff, Botox/Dysport, filler, Sculptra, and PDO Threads.

If this is your first time thinking about getting filler, we suggest booking an appointment sooner than later so we can ensure we have plenty of time to achieve your ideal aesthetic. That being said, 3 months out for most filler treatments is great.

If it’s your first time thinking about wrinkle relaxers (Botox/Dysport), we would like to get you in 6 months before for your first injection. If that is not possible with your timeline, planning your treatment for 6 weeks out gives you time for a follow-up (and for the product to work its magic). 

Body Treatments

Looking and feeling your best on your big day doesn’t stop at the face. The skin elasticity and tone of your body can be just as much of a concern. In addition to the options listed above, we also have Emsculpt and Emtone that target areas of concern below the face.

We suggest starting these treatments around 5 months out, so you can see the full results by your big day. Emsculpt is great to help target areas of the body where you need a little extra help with muscle tone and stubborn fat. Emtone is a great treatment to help with cellulite and skin tightening. 

Most Importantly...

Everyone’s skincare needs and aesthetic goals are different, so it's important to get in for a consult so we can help tailor your timeline to your needs and budget.

We wish you all the best on your big day and feel so special that you trust us with your skin care needs!


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