VI Peels at Complexion

Chemical peels have been used in dermatology for a long time but one brand has emerged on the scene with an exceptional revamp to this tried and true treatment. The VI Peel, because of its high-impact, minimal-downtime approach has received lots of attention, and it’s warranted. Their peels use a blend of acids, retinol, vitamins, and minerals to treat specific conditions. It goes beyond a general resurfacing peel to target: acne and acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines and wrinkles.

Why VI peels and what are they?

The Vitality Institute is an LA based company who’s founder wanted to create a peel that would not only be effective for multiple skin concerns but could also be used on all skin types and colors. These medium-depth peels are safe for all Fitzpatrick types I-VI and without the sting or burning associated with this level of peel. VI peels also deliver results quickly, within 7 days post peel. 


Benefits of the VI Peel

From a provider standpoint, we love how customizable these peels are. We can deliver more intense, specialized treatments, to target specific concerns. This is in addition to their overall benefits such as:

  • Brighten and Lighten:  VI’s blend of ingredients are ideal for brightening skin and diminishing UV induced pigmentation, melasma, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, leaving the complexion with a refreshing glow. 

  • Smoothing fine lines and wrinkles: Their specific combination of acids, antioxidants, and exfoliants penetrate deeply into the skin to stimulate new cell production including collagen and elastin for a smoother, firmer, more youthful appearance.
  • Texture and Acne: These peels also address acne prone skin with current congestion and bumpy texture, but also what is left behind; dark marks, inflammation and scarring. 

While these are the base benefits, there are 5 versions of the VI peel. If you are interested don’t worry about what version is best for you. Your provider will assess your skin to determine the best peel to address your concerns. The goal of these peels are not to see how much we can get your skin to peel off. The goal is to cause a resurfacing process in the skin and allow the ingredients to penetrate and do their job. This will look different for everyone. For some this looks like peeling in larger sheets for others flaking with equal results. 

We hope this has peaked your interest in the power of peels. If you have any questions, give us a call, or talk with your provider about our peels at your next appointment with us. 


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