Hyperhidrosis is no sweat with Genius!

Most of us love a good sweat when we work out, and we expect some sweating when we get hot or stressed. But for many, sweating goes far beyond this and can affect many aspects of their daily living. Hyperhidrosis is a condition which causes excess sweating beyond what is needed to regulate body temperature.  The good news is, we have a new treatment option available at Complexion to help!


Treating Hyperhidrosis with Botox is a method we have always used here at Complexion. This is an effective treatment option that works for many patients. However, there are down sides to this method of action, as it is not a long-term fix and the cost per treatment is very high. The underarms take 100 units of Botox and this treatment lasts only 4-8 months.  


Complexion is excited to now offer a PERMANENT way to treat this issue, and that is Genius! Genius treats Hyperhidrosis by using Radio Frequency (RF) to target and DESTROY both types of sweat glands. Unlike a temporary fix with Botox, treating with Genius will give you lasting results, which is more cost effective over time.


So what does this look like?


We will numb the area with topical numbing and a local anesthetic to make you comfortable during your treatment. Results vary from patient to patient, but it is ideal to get two treatments spanning one month apart.  Many have reported over 50% reduction in sweating after one treatment and then 80-90% reduction after the second. This is a game changer!  You can purchase individual sessions or a package of 2. If you would like to know more about this treatment and find out if this would be a good option for you, call our office (615-757-8060). We are happy to answer all of your questions!


Genuis is known for its skin tightening ability, but we love that it can provide a vital treatment option and increase confidence for those who live with Hyperhidrosis!

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